LSE news FAQs

If you are searching LSE news, take a look at these frequently asked questions:

How can I find an LSE expert to talk to?

LSE has many academics willing to talk to journalists about their specialist subjects. If you know the person you want, or the subject area, please visit our online experts database to find the right person. If you're having problems, contact the Media Relations Office on [email protected] or 020 7955 7060.

How can I get hold of a picture of an LSE expert?

There are small images of LSE academics to view in the Experts online guide. The Media Relations Office also manages a growing picture library, and can supply images of many LSE academics for publication. If you would like a copy of one of these, or need any other images of LSE, the Library, or general campus shots, please contact the Media Relations Office on [email protected].

Can I film or take pictures on campus?

In general, media outlets should contact the Media Relations Office to film around LSE or in any of the School buildings via 020 7955 7060 or [email protected]. LSE is an open campus which welcomes many members of the public but media do need permission from us to film within our premises.

Do you provide transcripts, podcasts or videos of lectures?

Transcripts of lectures are made available when possible and LSE releases podcasts for as many public lectures and debates as possible. All podcasts, videos and transcripts are posted online as soon as possible after each event. See the Events pages for more. 

The media relations office does not provide transcripts of students' degrees or certificates. For these please contact the Student Services Centre.

Does LSE endorse all the research by its faculty?

Research publicised by the LSE media relations team represents the findings and considered opinions of members of our academic community. It does not represent an official position of the School.